Tag Archives: economic policy
Some limitations in pricing nature
Nature is complicated and protecting it cannot be reduced to pricing a single species, place or chemical. Even if economists would like it so. In the Netflix film, Social Dilemma, one of the interviewees, Justin Rosenstein, talks of a world … Continue reading
Drought and saving water: we should value cultural dispositions.
A cultural predisposition has economic value. We should try and calculate it in order to be able to assess the benefits of investing in cultural change. Reflecting on the Californian drought, I imagined a people which is thrifty with water … Continue reading
A Seasonal Tale: The Brilliant Economists of Easter Island
In trying to explain belief economics, I was reminded of a seasonal story: the tale of the utterly brilliant economists of Easter Island. Despite the historical inaccuracies, it nonetheless makes a startling case. Belief Economics is the study of why … Continue reading
Ouch: a system of environmental justice
Maximising happiness does not work. I wonder if minimising pain can work a bit better. Let’s say we create a measure of a unit of pain e.g. a “hurt” established by experiment as the pain experienced by putting your index … Continue reading
Ten policies to increase demand for low carbon living and policies
Today a think-tank (IPPR) published a call for a central bank to regulate the EU ETS. You heard this back in May 2006 on the Bustard (https://www.thebustard.com/?p=457). So here, a few years too early, are ten policies to cut emissions. … Continue reading