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The benefits of power cuts

Recently there have been a few snaps of very cold weather in Budapest. During one of them, a couple of weeks ago, the twelfth district suffered a power cut. Out went the lights in the august offices of Vertis Environmental … Continue reading

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The Polar Bear. Or the dodo we can cuddle

The press recently reported scientists finding the carcasses of four drowned polar bears floating in the sea. A polar bear drowning? How can a polar bear drown? It’s a powerful swimmer, equally at ease on land as under water. What … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics | 3 Comments

Designing Green Investment Schemes to work

The approach to green investment schemes risks being like winning the lottery. Bang! A hundred million squillion quid hits my bank account, what do I do with it? Spend it, man! Or like those TV shows when someone has two … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | 7 Comments

Cutting emissions from the UNFCCC process

I felt a real shit flying to Montreal the other week to attend the COP there for three days. Here are 10,000 people flying from Japan, New Zealand, Vanuatu and the Vatican to figure out how to get people to … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | 1 Comment

Brussels: Hands off our experts!

Is the EU creating a Central European Brain Drain? It looks like it in the field of climate change policy. Practically anyone who gets a job in climate change administration in the new accession states gets offered a job within … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | 1 Comment