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Continuing on the topic of the conversation with the American climate change sceptic. It seemed interesting that a person with a broadly similar basic education has a staggeringly different view of the world. This guy was brought up in a … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics | 2 Comments

Is Climate Change a Religion?

Recently I met a North American businessman. He runs a large industrial business in Europe and his facility is covered by the EU Emission Trading scheme. After a while, as it happens when you are talking about emission trading, the … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics | Leave a comment

Candid(e) thoughts on globalisation

How should a free-market green respond to globalisation? Is there anything to worry about there? (we like having things to worry about) The obvious problem is of buying things from a long way away and the associated impact on the … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics | Leave a comment

Democracy and the Dignity of Trees

Or: can we avoid death by a thousand cuts?Until yesterday there were six mature pine trees in the communal garden where my parents-in-law live in rural Hungary. Then a neighbour Eva decided that they cause “litter” with their needles. So … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics | Leave a comment

The End of Hard and Soft Greening

This might be all irrelevant if the Canadians duck out of Kyoto, or if there is no second commitment period to substantiate the value of AAUs, but the working assumption is that there will be some AAU trading and there … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | 2 Comments