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In May this year (before the world changed) Professor Paul Collier of Oxford University wrote in the Financial Times on the topic of rising food prices, globalisation, and poverty. In this article he criticises defenders of sustainable agriculture, repeatedly using … Continue reading

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East Europeans obstructing the fight against climate change

It is no coincidence that Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia are opposing the EU’s plans to fight climate change. They are all countries recently emerged from communism. Their opposition has nothing to do with the economy … Continue reading

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Taking responsibility in the EU ETS

The European Union is rightly proud of its emission trading system. Arguably it is the most important mechanism in the world today for fighting climate change. Unfortunately the system does not work. I do not refer to its effect on … Continue reading

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Polluter pays

To sort out what to do after 2012 we need to go back to basics and adopt a simple, axiomatic, and indisputable principle: the polluter pays. Under the polluter pays principle a polluter is responsible for the outcome of his … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | 1 Comment

Why grown ups vote for the bad fairy

Could there be a connection between infantile aesthetics and some of our problems with the man and the environment? The average garden in Budapest comprises a neat strip of green lawn and lines of flowers in primary colours. Probably there … Continue reading

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