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The questionable appeal of efficiency

One frequently mentioned criterion for climate change policies is that they should help us achieve our goals “efficiently”. An advantage claimed for emissions trading or environmental markets is that they reduce emissions in an economically efficient way. We need to … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics | Leave a comment

The false choice of emissions trading

Anyone in the carbon market has probably had to explain the workings of the EU ETS to someone. There is a bit where you say glibly: “… and the guy can choose whether to buy more allowances or reduce his … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | 1 Comment

RUUs – the challenge of sleeping on trains

Over Easter, in the cause of low-carbon travel we rejected a comfortable flight from Budapest to Geneva and took the overnight Wiener Waltzer train via Zurich. There was something unpleasant about the accommodation. A sense of Rumsfeldian unknown unknowns (RUUs): … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | Leave a comment

Fiddlers on the roof

At a recent trade fair I met with six providers of solar heating systems expressing an interest in purchasing a system for the villa in which we have a flat. I left them each my name card and they promised … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | Leave a comment

Cheerful idealism to cure the world’s ills

Here is some cheerful idealism for sorting out the world’s double whammy of ecological cataclysm and economical disaster. In the press there is much deliberation about how to rebuild the economy. Even the FT, which is fairly practical and does … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics | 2 Comments