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Unemployment and food (again)

More worrying than last week’s falls in stock markets was the news that the Chinese manufacturer Foxconn which employs one million people, is planning to increase the number of robots it uses from 10,000 to one million by 2013. If … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics | 2 Comments

Housing: Aesthetic sensibilities and climate change

I wonder which is more important: aesthetic preciousness or cutting emissions. Unfortunately the planners in Shrewsbury don’t agree. We submitted an application for works on a Grade II listed building. These included: (i) solar hot-water panels on a hidden part … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | Leave a comment

Chaos II: Why we need an imperfect market

There must be something wrong with the following argument; perhaps it is that the initial assumptions are unreasonable. Assume there is a perfect market. And assume that over time, installations in the EU ETS get smart and learn to keep … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | Leave a comment

Formal chaos?

Recent price fluctuations have led to soul-searching about the EU ETS and its wacky governance. I remember that when I was at university there was a lot of excitement about chaos theory. Someone showed me a simple system with wheels, … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | Leave a comment

Climate Change For Football Fans

“Climate change is as much about power stations as football is about wearing shorts.”  CCFFF is a funny but serious book about climate change policy.  It consists of a series of conversations between Joe, a bloke from Burnley who is … Continue reading

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