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The revenge of Greg Gloom, Part 2: In the rough

[This is Part II of the short story which began here:  There we saw the flamboyant Lord Pi begin a secret meeting with Seth Ghast of the De-urbs and Waldemar Kunt (hereinafter to be called Waldemar Lunt for reasons … Continue reading

Posted in The Chronicles of Nat Eb | Leave a comment

The revenge of Greg Gloom, Part 1: Ejecting Greg Gloom

[This is the first section of a short story which will be serialised exclusively in the Bustard – unless Rupert Murdoch rings with a much better offer. It takes place in England in 2030 or 2040 under the celebrated rule … Continue reading

Posted in The Chronicles of Nat Eb | Leave a comment

CASPER, part III and the bad timing of Sir Godfrey

[for CASPER, parts I and II see] Onan Hash, the prime minister of England, tapped his pipe impatiently. Eight o’clock had sounded on his orang-utan cuckoo clock, sixteenth in a series of extinct animal clocks. He sipped his coffee. … Continue reading

Posted in The Chronicles of Nat Eb | Leave a comment

Geo-engineering: Think global – act local.

Former postman, Rod Flange, 53, was arrested yesterday in Telford after a five hour stand-off with armed police. “I was just doing my duty as a citizen,” he shouted to the assembled press as he was dragged away by two … Continue reading

Posted in Humour, The Chronicles of Nat Eb | 1 Comment

CDM and LDCs

The EU and the World Bank are worrying about Least Developed Countries in the context of CDM and carbon markets. Least developed countries (LDCs) have an interesting distribution of emissions and population, based on 2005 data from Wikipedia. I have … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | 1 Comment