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Green Philosophy

The philosopher, Roger Scruton, has recently had published a book called “Green Philosophy” (  It sets out a right-wing or conservative philosophy for addressing environmental problems.  His view is that large-scale, international schemes, infused with socialist values, are doomed to … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy, Environment, society, politics and economics, Scepticism and denial | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The EU ETS – working but not working

The German magazine, Spiegel, published an article saying that the EU’s emission trading scheme isn’t working (  Johannes Teyssen, the CEO of EON, voiced a similar opinion at a conference in Brussels recently: The scheme is “bust”, he said. As … Continue reading

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Property rights and wrongs, or: the iron fist of socialism in a free-market kid-glove?

It’s really good when right-wing people think about addressing environmental problems, because the more people that put their brains to these intractable issues, the better.  But there is a danger where you put the mantra before the problem.  A case … Continue reading

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Belief economics on the shop floor

Two people in Budapest run shops next door to each other.  They want to boost sales but they do not have money for marketing.  In fact both just have a circle, a line and two blobs.  And then they find … Continue reading

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Belief and utility

If we are rational about our economic activities then each decision is the result of a cost-benefit analysis.  The details of the cost-benefit analysis depend (to a great extent) on the beliefs which we have. For example, if I am … Continue reading

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