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Clash of the titans: Birol, Stern and Günther.

The front page of the Financial Times today says: “Soaring oil prices risk recession”.  The chief economist of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, says that the high oil prices have the capacity to tip the global economy back into … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy, Environment, society, politics and economics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

What will we do with our money? Or: is clean-tech self-defeating?

Environmental policy is predicated on a certain vision of the world.  It’s a clean version of today’s world.  It’s got all the comfort and convenience and fulfilment of today’s world without the smells. To build the clean world policy-makers insist … Continue reading

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Mad Men: hope for the planet

Of the two American TV shows we are currently watching at home, Mad Men and The Big Bang Theory, Mad Men is the more instructive in the matter of climate change policy. It portrays the life of high-octane advertising executives … Continue reading

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The revenge of Greg Gloom, Part 7: The prophecy

As no one came, Mai Wei let himself in through the blue door.  Immediately inside to the left another door: “Mrs Humpish”.  On his right next to a light switch, a piece of paper sellotaped to the wall: “Upstairs for … Continue reading

Posted in The Chronicles of Nat Eb | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dreaming of tax and dividend

Tax and dividend is a policy approach proposed, among others, by James Hansen, climate scientist and activist.  The principle is described in his 2009 testimony to the Committee on Ways and Means of the US House of Representatives. The principle … Continue reading

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