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Public interest

Thomson Reuters Point Carbon reports that the UK government has petitioned for two London-based companies involved in selling voluntary carbon credits to be shut down on the grounds of public interest.  This is good news.  It follows a piece in … Continue reading

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The ultimate gridlock

As reported in Environmental Finance (March 2012) over a hundred cases have been filed in the US courts against companies accused of causing global warming.  Plaintiffs include states such as California and Connecticut, property owners and Eskimos. This is the … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy, The Chronicles of Nat Eb | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Clarification re the EIB funding lignite-fired power plant

I want to clarify something which became clearer to me after writing the previous post. There are two separable problems. 1. They are funding a lignite-fired power plant.  But there are reasons which can justify that – for example, they … Continue reading

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A good reason to strip the EIB of its NER300 role

State-owned financial institutions are bad news any day because they are the bowels in which the crackpot ideas of bureaucrats ferment.  But the EBRD and the EIB have surely hit the fan with their planned 650 million euro financing of … Continue reading

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Brick wall policy

High energy prices could result in either recession or investment in cleantech. I imagined a car driving into a wall, say, in a film. In one film the car hits the wall and it’s written off. That’s the recession. In … Continue reading

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