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Meat porn

The trouble with writing stories via a blog is that the lack of planning can lead to geographical and temporal dislocations.  You might remember that Stumpy Regenkurt, senior advisor to the Minister of Economic Decline, was once an MP in … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy, Environment, society, politics and economics, The Chronicles of Nat Eb | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Confucius and Stallone

Another vignette from the UK’s mainly benign but sometimes barbaric low carbon dictatorship … Sir Heinz Klaxon-Schmitt, Minister of Finance, glanced out of the window of the prime minister’s office.  He looked at the crowd milling in the square below … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy, The Chronicles of Nat Eb | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Disappointment about the carbon price does not stack up

There is something strange about people’s disappointment at the low carbon price. People disappointed at the low carbon price say they are disappointed because the carbon price – being low – is not acting as a signal to long-term investment … Continue reading

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Limited liability as a socialist phenomenon

Although limited liability is at the heart of capitalism, it is a socialist phenomenon.  And, ironically, this socialist mechanism is at the root of many of the ills of capitalism.  So weirdly, the socialists only have themselves to blame for … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics, Scepticism and denial | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Not that complicated

Some people say “Oh, it’s so complicated to be low carbon in this modern society.”  Here is a way of simplifying it. You get a reasonable approximation to an intermediate[1] low-carbon lifestyle by focussing on three simple maxims. Slowness Thermal … Continue reading

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