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Late allocation is symptomatic of a deeper problem: the governance of the EU ETS

Each year companies in the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) receive an allocation of free allowances.  The due date for issuing the allowances is 28th February.  Member states, as the so-called “competent” authorities are obliged to issue these allowances … Continue reading

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I am starting to a write new book so I won’t write so much on the Bustard now for a bit.

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The P.G. Wodehouse road-map to low carbon nirvana

I think we need to go through three stages to reach carbon nirvana.  Each requires very different policies. Stage one: enthuse Stage two: build Stage three: chill Let us use P.G. Wodehouse, the greatest author ever, as our guide. Unlike … Continue reading

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Carbon taxes and what goes on in our heads

I feel that a carbon price is higher than it needs to be because of the way we perceive things.  If we could change our perceptions then a lower carbon price could be more effective.  As it might be more … Continue reading

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Practical policy to prepare for a difficult future

People say: “You have to have practical policies, it’s no use dreaming.”  Here goes. First, forget about a functioning “modern” society where everything is on tap 24 x 7.  You saw how New York functioned during Sandy.  Life will become … Continue reading

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