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Combination of EU ETS and fee and dividend

One of the most sensible ways of putting a price on emissions is the fee and dividend scheme devised by James Hansen of Columbia University.  It is also probably the most acceptable for those on the right which would prefer … Continue reading

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Right wing and fossil fuel subsidies

Reuters reports: “The British government unveiled draft tax breaks on Friday to drive investment in shale gas production, in what it termed the most generous shale incentives in the world.” Oh dear.  Another “right wing” government subsidising fossil fuels.  What … Continue reading

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Another day

Another day, another instance of the Bustard’s First Law coming into play. Reuters reports that “European Union regulators on Wednesday approved a German scheme to compensate heavy industries for higher electricity costs resulting from the bloc’s emissions trading scheme (ETS).” … Continue reading

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Told you so

Oh dear.  Yet another instance of the Bustard’s First Law of carbon pricing alive and kicking. Reuters reports that “California is considering handing out more allowances to energy intensive industry for free under the state’s emissions trading scheme to ease … Continue reading

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Lights off!

There has been a flurry of comment today (28th June 2013) because the National Grid is considering paying consumers not to consume electricity in order to avoid blackouts.  Last night the Energy Minister Mr Fallon dismissed this idea, hence the … Continue reading

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