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The logic of a Green UKIP alliance

For some time I have thought there are many similarities between the Greens and UKIP, and now I will try and articulate that.  This might imply that they should team up in the forthcoming election, although I have nothing to … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

The Animal Cruelty Rehab Centre

Many moons ago this blog told of the Vegan Laws and the Releases (, at a time when England thrived under a benign low carbon dictatorship.  Some thrived more than others, of course.  One who thrived most was Stumpy Regenkurt, … Continue reading

Posted in The Chronicles of Nat Eb | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Emissions from eating meat and dairy – we need a number!

A large portion of the work of climate policy people is to measure emissions.  It is a tedious and nerdy labour but nonetheless important.  We are talking about science, about predictions and models, so we need rigorous monitoring and measurement … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Exxon: the cow’s best friend

51% of greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to animal husbandry.  Here is the original paper ( and an update (  Even if the guys are a bit off, it’s a very big number. Climate policy people talk a lot about … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Twitter: the risk of intellectual obesity and radicalisation

If you eat refined sugar in large amounts it can make you physically obese.  The same goes for reading refined information in large amounts: there is a risk that using Twitter can make you intellectually obese.  And the result of … Continue reading

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