Author Archives: James Atkins
120 months – what I would like political leaders to do
We have ten years… For a moment stop worrying about what is politically feasible and write down what needs to be done. Where there is a way there is a will. This is approximately what is needed. 1. People: An essential … Continue reading
The Bustard’s fourth rule
Medieval brainbox William of Ockam (Surrey, England) said: Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. That is: More things should not be used than are necessary. When applied to philosophy or science: the simpler the explanation the better. Applied to living … Continue reading
Hope in children
I spoke at the Economist’s Sustainability Summit last week. I have written up my notes and added some more details into a more coherent post. This is a bit wide-ranging – even rambling, but I have a bunch of observations … Continue reading
Agriculture’s Max 8 moment
On Thursday I spoke at the Economist Sustainability Summit in London. The event was sponsored by Bayer, owners of Monsanto. Several speakers pointed out the galling irony that a sustainability summit is sponsored by a company which is the antithesis … Continue reading
Bird-friendly farming
Bird-friendly farming is a way of farming which, as well as profitably producing food for humans, preserves habitat for birds and other wildlife; protects and nurtures invertebrates; and regenerates the soil. This is done by avoiding agrichemicals, by avoiding compaction … Continue reading