A simple theory of anger at suffering

I developed a simple model to explain how angry I get at injustices done to wildlife.  It might also work for war situations, treatment of minorities etc.  It is called the get-angry-about model.

The degree of anger I feel about a given act is proportional to:

(A x B x C) / (D x E)


A is the degree of suffering caused

B is the innocence of sufferer

C is the percentage of population of the sufferer which suffers

D is the innocence of aggressor

E is the reversibility of the act

Actually this is version 2 because I included “reversibility”. The idea is that if an act can be reversed and the effects undone, then I feel a bit less angry.  So, for example, if an animal is made extinct and so reversibility is 0, then I am infinitely angry.  OK, I might also need some help from a mathematician.  I am not sure if C and E are the same, or how much correlation there is between the two.  Perhaps both factors are not needed.  I think reversibility and irreversibility might actually fully account for C as well.  It needs some tests.

If anyone would like to test or comment on this formula, or suggest possible applications I would be most grateful.

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